Sunday, July 17, 2011

Florida United for Kids!

We know Florida is a state divided with some fans sporting orange and blue and others garnet and gold, and while we happened to be on the beautiful campus of UF this week, the MBF team and the summer academy participants were anything but divided.  We were there to train new Speak Up Be Safe™ facilitators, our first group of facilitators trained since the pilot phase ended. And while the groups both days were small, we were all united in our motivation to keep kids safe from the dangers facing them today!  As Dante Alighieri said, “A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark!”  Even with the small number trained, their motivation and commitment ensures we will see great things from them in the future.
The team also enjoyed a little time doing some teambuilding and preparing the Speak Up Be Safe™ program for the big “roll out” in the fall.  We have finalized the curriculum changes and are working hard to ensure the implementation for schools, districts and facilitators runs as smoothly as possible.  For our team, work and fun are NEVER mutually exclusive. We sure had a lot of both in Gainesville this week and we’ll see a tremendous outcome for it – a lot of safer kids in Florida because of this great program… So Speak Up with us Florida – it doesn’t matter if you’re in Gainesville wearing Orange and Blue or in Tallahassee with your Garnet and Gold or anywhere else in the state – on this issue we can all stand united!

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Speak Up Florida!